rolling is absolutely dookie. the iframes start very late and end very late, so you have to dodge preemptively or else you'll get hit. also, the sword has NO reach. if i'm not hugging the bosses, i won't even get close to hitting them. i can barely even get past the first boss because of this. also, there is absolutely no reason to use heavy attacks when they're so slow and have no benefits other than doing a measly 70%~ (give or take) more damage. in every single case imaginable, it's better to just spam light attacks. even on the first boss's most punishable move, you do 480 damage with light attacks and 383 with a fully charged heavy (of which you might even miss if you don't immediately charge because of how small the hitbox is). also, just to nitpick, stamina has too long of a delay on recharging after using it and the sword doesn't do much damage to compensate for a long boss fight with generally boring and predictable moves. (except for the sword drag with the skeleton and the spins on the girl)
edit: after playing for a little while and fighting the 2nd boss, i absolutely could not take this game and didn't even beat her. because of the delayed rolls and some of her combo attacks (not the barrage/flurry with the indicator) you're forced into a hit-and-run playstyle that's more of a chore than an actual fun boss fight. if you're too close (which is INCREDIBLY easy to do because of how short the fucking skinning knife you're using to fight with is) then most of her combo attacks will clip you. this is even worse in the 2nd phase, obviously, because her combo moves are longer and will sometimes even force me into the corner if i'm dodging a certain direction because of how the arena is so much longer than wide. and i can confidently say this isn't just a skill issue (200+ hours on diff soulslike games) and definitely more of an issue with this shitty game. i can 100% see how this didn't even come close to winning the game jam, and i can barely even believe that it had ANY playtesting at all regarding combat. also, there is a MASSIVE pause if you try to light attack after a heavy attack (although this will rarely happen because, once again, there is NOTHING to gain from heavy attacking) which leads to either getting hit or doing significantly less damage than you should have.